Grade “C” Lock Nuts USS & Thread Zinc Plated

USS Diameter USS Price Box Quantity SAE Diameter SAE Price Box Quantity
1/4-20 X 100 1/4-28 X 100
5/16-18 X 100 5/16-24 X 100
3/8-16 X 100 3/8-24 X 100
7/16-14 X 50 7/16-20 X 50
1/2-13 X 50 1/2-20 X 50
9/16-12 X 25 9/16-18 X 25
5/8-11 X 25 5/8-18 X 25
3/4-10 X 20 3/4-16 X 20
7/8-9 X 15 7/8-14 X 15
1-8 X 10 1-14 X 10
All Zinc Plated.
packed as Noted.
Prevailing-Torque Type Steel Hex Nuts
Table1 Dimensions of Prevailling-Tourque Type Hex
Nom Size or Basic Major Dia of Thread Width Across Flats Width Across Corners Thickness Height of Hex Dia of bearing Surface Angularity of Bearing Surface FIM
Top Insert Type All Metal Type Both Types
Basic Max Min Max Min Max Max Min Min Max Min Max
No. 4 0.1120 1/4 0.251 0.241 0.289 0.275 0.163 0.163 0.087 0.066 0.251 0.238 .008
6 0.1380 5/16 .313 .302 .361 .344 .188 .171 .102 .075 .313 .297 .008
8 0.1640 11/32 .345 .332 .379 .378 .239 .191 .117 .083 .313 .328 .009
10 0.1900 3/8 .376 .362 .433 .413 .249 .241 .117 .083 .345 .357 .009
12 0.2160 7/16 .438 .423 .505 .482 .328 .241 .148 .103 .376 .416 .010
1/4 0.2500 7/16 .4385 .428 .505 .488 .328 .288 .212 .145 .438 .416 .010
5/16 0.3125 1/2 .5020 .489 .577 .557 .359 .336 .258 .166 .502 .475 .011
3/8 0.3750 9/16 .5645 .551 .650 .628 .469 .415 .320 .198 .564 .534 .012
7/16 0.4375 11/16 .6895 .675 .794 .768 .524 .463 .365 .223 .689 .653 .013
1/2 0.5000 3/4 .7520 .736 .866 .840 .609 .573 .427 .262 .752 .712 .014
9/16 0.5625 7/8 .8770 .861 1.010 .982 .656 .621 .473 .268 .877 .830 .015
5/8 0.6250 15/16 .9395 .922 1.083 1.051 .765 .731 .535 .329 .939 .890 .016
3/4 0.7500 1-1/8 1.1270 1.088 1.299 1.240 .890 .827 .617 .382 1.127 1.069 .018
7/8 0.8750 1-5/16 1.3145 1.269 1.516 1.447 .999 .922 .724 .450 1.314 1.246 .020
1 1.0000 1-1/2 1.5020 1.450 1.732 1.653 1.124 1.018 .831 .513 1.502 1.425 .022
1-1/8 1.1250 1-11/16 1.6895 1.631 1.949 1.859 1.281 1.176 .939 .576 1.689 1.603 .025
1-1/4 1.2500 1-1-7/8 1.8770 1.812 2.165 2.066 1.422 1.272 1.030 .628 1.877 1.781 .028
1-3/8 1.3750 2-1/16 2.0645 1.994 2.382 2.273 1.609 1.399 1.138 .681 2.064 1.959 .031
1-1/2 1.5000 2-1/4 2.2520 2.175 2.598 2.480 1.671 1.526 1.245 .757 2.252 2.138 .034